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'Calamity Mod' mod card

Calamity Mod

The Calamity Mod is a vast content mod that creates a new and refreshing experience for Terraria!

With this mod comes a slew of new bosses, unique and challenging difficulty modes, over two thousand new items, new NPCs, and entire new biomes to explore! Calamity also massively expands the endgame of Terraria, creating an entirely original, intense experience for players to enjoy.

The mod additionally tweaks tons of vanilla features whilst adding new ones to aid the player's experience and heavily expand on the base game, including but not limited to:

Reworked reforging with the Goblin Tinkerer

Reworked gameplay progression in early Hardmode

Dozens of extra crafting recipes for existing vanilla items

Dozens more quality of life and balance changes!

Please note that this mod REQUIRES Calamity's soundtrack! You will need to download the music mod to be able to play!

For even more Calamity music, subscribe to Vanilla Calamity Mod Music!

Be sure to join our Discord server linked above to keep up with the latest news about upcoming updates and features.


A more detailed breakdown of the content available in Calamity:

27 bosses and 12 minibosses

200+ enemies

5 town NPCs

5 biomes and many new structures

1 event

1 new playable class (based on Throwing from Terraria 1.3)

2400+ items

700+ weapons

Almost 100 blocks

200+ pieces of furniture

11 ores

2 full difficulty settings above Expert which can be combined with Master

Significant improvements and changes to Master difficulty

50+ changes to vanilla mechanics

30+ new recipes for vanilla items

500+ tweaks and improvements to vanilla items

Minor cross-mod support for the Thorium Mod

tModLoader said:Developed By Fabsol and the Dev Team

'Calamity Mod Music' mod card

Calamity Mod Music

This mod adds the Calamity soundtrack and music boxes for each of its songs. It is intended to be used alongside the Calamity Mod, but can be used alone. You will need to use the Calamity Mod in order to naturally obtain the music boxes.

For Calamity game content, e.g. items and bosses, subscribe to the main mod:

For the expanded Calamity soundtrack used for Terraria bosses, biomes and events, subscribe to the vanilla music mod:

Be sure to join our Discord server linked above to keep up with the latest news about upcoming updates and features.


Full list of tracks:

DM DOKURO - The Tale of a Cruel World

DM DOKURO - sanctuary

Heart Plus Up! - Engineer's Sanctum

DM DOKURO - wasteland

Heart Plus Up! - caustic tides

DM DOKURO - Guardian of the Former Seas

RoverdriveX - corrosion!

DM DOKURO - Infestation

DM DOKURO ft. SixteenInMono - Blood Coagulant

DM DOKURO ft. SixteenInMono - The Filthy Mind

DM DOKURO - The Step Below Hell

DM DOKURO - Hadopelagic Pressure

DM DOKURO ft. SixteenInMono - Return to Slime

DM DOKURO - The Heaven-Sent Abomination

DM DOKURO - Treasures Within the Abomination

DM DOKURO - Antarctic Reinforcement

DM DOKURO - Outcast of the Sulphurous Seas

DM DOKURO - Left Alone

DM DOKURO - Raw, Unfiltered Calamity

DM DOKURO - Silence before the storms

DM DOKURO - The Leviathan Trilogy (split into three songs)

RoverdriveX - R'LYEH

DM DOKURO - Interstellar Stomper

DM DOKURO - Fly of Beelzebub

DM DOKURO - Open Frenzy

DM DOKURO - Pest of the Cosmos

DM DOKURO - Storms before the catastrophes

DM DOKURO - Unholy Ambush

DM DOKURO - Murderswarm

DM DOKURO - Unholy Insurgency

DM DOKURO - Servants of the Scourge (split into three songs)

DM DOKURO - Feral Amalgamation

DM DOKURO - void

PinpinNeon - nuclear monsoon

DM DOKURO - Toxic Wisdom

DM DOKURO - Scourge of the Universe

DM DOKURO - Universal Collapse

DM DOKURO - Scourge of the Universe (Eulogy for the Ego)

DM DOKURO - Infernal Catharsis

DM DOKURO - Infernal Catharsis (Rebirth)

DM DOKURO - Roar of the Jungle Dragon

DM DOKURO - Catastrophes before the calamity

PinpinNeon - Inferior Fabrications

DM DOKURO - Stained, Brutal Calamity (split into four songs)

DM DOKURO - Threats of the Ocean Floor

CDMusic - Ensemble of Fools

CDMusic - Onslaught of Beasts

CDMusic - Reign of Lords

CDMusic - Trial of the Insane

tModLoader said:Developed By Fabsol and the Dev Team

'Recipe Browser' mod card

Recipe Browser

Recipe Browser is an indispensable mod for any player. It provides a service to the user that the Guide could only dream of providing. With Recipe Browser, you have access to powerful tools to help you plan out what items you want to craft. You'll be able to quickly find items that you can craft with the items in your possession, even if it takes several intermediate crafting steps.

To use, first you need to assign some hotkeys. Make sure to go into the Keybindings menu and assign hotkeys. The "Toggle Recipe Browser" hotkey is necessary, the other 2 are useful but somewhat optional. The "Query Hovered Item" hotkey streamlines checking recipes and the "Toggle Favorited Recipes Window" is useful when using the favorited recipes feature.

The main window consists of several tabs. You can click on the tabs to visit each tool. You can resize the window as well. The Help tab explains each tool in greater detail, be sure to check it out.

This tool allows you to quickly explore all recipes in the game. You can place an item in the query slot to find recipes using or resulting in that item. You can also search and filter with the various options in the window to discover recipes you'd like to work towards. Crafting stations and recipe conditions for a selected recipe are listed at the bottom. The color will be red or green showing if the player is near one or not. The right side will show any NPC that drops the selected item. Double Click on an NPC to visit the Bestiary. Double Clicking on a Recipe or Ingredient will populate the query slot with the item, great for traversing crafting trees for items with multiple levels of crafting. Alt-click on a recipe to favorite a recipe, see Favorite section below.

[video mp4=][/video]

This tool can be used to craft recipes, even recipes that require multiple steps to achieve! In the Recipes tool, right click on any recipe to bring up this tool. Recipes with the yellow background can be crafted via multiple steps. For example, if you have gold and iron ore and click on the Gold Watch recipe, this tool will show you the multiple steps needed to craft gold and iron ore, followed by crafting chains, and finally the gold watch itself. You can also enable the Loot option to allow farming as part of the multi-step process. Simply find and kill the specified enemies to farm the needed ingredient. By default, all crafting stations that you have seen will be available for the extended crafting paths. If you enable the Missing Stations option, unseen crafting stations will also be shown. See the Help tab for more information on this tool.

[video mp4=][/video]

Here you can explore all items in the game. Use the filters and sorts to find what you want. Double click an item to query it in the Recipe panel. Double right click an item to query the item in the Bestiary.

Here you can explore all NPC in the game. Use the filters to find what you want. Clicking on an NPC shows the loot from that NPC. Placing an item in the query slot filters the grid to show only NPC that drop that item. Double click an item to query it in the Recipe panel. Right click an item to populate the query slot, great for seeing who else drops the same item.

In the Recipe panel, you can favorite recipes by alt-clicking on the recipe. If you have favorited recipes, the favorites panel will appear on screen. This panel will help you track progress towards collecting all ingredients. In multiplayer, recipes favorited by other players will also appear in the favorites panel. You can track the progress of other players and cooperate efficiently.

[video mp4=][/video]

By assigning a hotkey in the keybindings menu, you can use this feature to quickly bring the item into one of the tools. You can use it anytime you are hovering over any item anywhere in the game.

[video mp4=][/video]

There are powerful sorting and filtering options. You can search for specific weapon types, find the most powerful pickaxe you can craft, and more. See the Help tab for more information.

The Armor Set category lets you view armor sets. Plan out which armor set you want to work towards that fits your playstyle!

[video mp4=][/video]

There are many more features in Recipe Browser, see the Help tab to read and learn more about the features of this mod.

Source code hosted on , collaboration welcome

For questions or suggestions, come to my Discord:

Bug reports in the comments here will not be seen, come to Discord or Github to report issues.

If you'd like to support my mods, I have a Patreon

tModLoader said:
Developed By jopojelly

'Boss Checklist' mod card

Boss Checklist

Bug reports in the workshop comments here will likely not be seen, come to our Discord or Github to report issues.

Boss Checklist lets you view a checklist of all available bosses while playing so you can progress through them as you defeat them. Toggle the checklist with the hotkey assigned to it in the settings. Visit 'Settings->Controls->Keybindings' to check or set the current hotkey. If you would like a mod to be supported, please encourage the modder to add support to this mod.

The Boss Log is an enhancement of the traditional boss checklist and comes with many configurable features and customizations. Each entry on the checklist will have its own dedicated page with more information about the boss, including which mod it comes from, spawn information, spawn item crafting, loot table checklist and collectible item checklist. Modders are able to register their boss content to the log using Mod calls.

There are other optional features included as well, which can enhance boss fight gameplay. Features include:

Boss Log Records, including boss fight duration and hits taken

Boss despawn messages displayed in chat

Boss radar for bosses that are off-screen

Specific boss loot appears on the fullscreen map and mini-map

Learn how to register your boss content and more using the

Source code hosted on , collaboration welcome.

For questions or suggestions, come to my Discord:

Check out .

Check out .

tModLoader said:
Developed By SheepishShepherd, jopojelly

'Magic Storage' mod card

Magic Storage

Are you tired of having a mess of chests in your base? Never remember where you put your items, and have to run across your entire house to get from chest to chest? This mod will solve all of your problems!

This mod offers a solution to storage problems once and for all. It allows you to construct a central network to store all your items, that you can access from one single block. If desired, you can even set up multiple access points to use your storage from anywhere in the world. You can search your storage for items with a certain name, filter by item types, etc. The magic storage can even craft items for you!

The magic storage scales as you progress in your playthrough. It is accessible very early in the game, but with limited power. As you defeat bosses and earn more materials, you will be able to upgrade your storage to perform more functions and more easily expand the storage capacity.

Are you unable to keep track of the dozens of crafting stations in your base? This mod will help you to keep track of all of them with its Combined Crafting Stations! The Combined Crafting Stations combine the functionality of several crafting stations into each tier, with the next tier having all of the previous tiers' crafting stations.

Please report bugs/issues to this mod's Discord server

The 1.4 version of Magic Storage merges the Magic Storage and Magic Storage - Extra mods from 1.3 tModLoader

Want to support the mod's development? Donate to absoluteAquarian's Patreon


- Mod Author


- Official maintainer for Magic Storage


- Responsible for important fixes that were integrated into Magic Storage - Extra


- Developer for Magic Storage - Extra


- Created most of the sprites used in the mod


- Created bug fixes and optimizations for the mod during absoluteAquarian's hiatus from 20Oct2021-15Dec2021

tModLoader said:Developed By The Magic Storage Team

'absoluteAquarian Utilities (SerousCommonLib)' mod card

absoluteAquarian Utilities (SerousCommonLib)

The common library for absoluteAquarian's various mods.

The DLL, PDB and XML files for this mod can be found at:

Many features are included in this mod, including but not limited to:

- IL/On edit helpers

- A faster alternative to System.Reflection

- Type extensions

- UI element types

- Easy tooltip modification

- Tile scanning information

- ILoot helpers

- and more!

tModLoader said:

Developed By absoluteAquarian

Internal Name: SerousCommonLib

'AlchemistNPC Lite' mod card

AlchemistNPC Lite

This mod adds 7 NPCs (Alchemist, Brewer, Jeweler, Young Brewer, Operator, Architect and Musician), who sell potions, materials and some other stuff.

New combinations of potions are sold by the Young Brewer.

The spawn condition for the Alchemist, the Jeweler & the Brewer is to kill the Eye of Ctulhu.

The Young Brewer spawns while both the Alchemist & the Brewer are in the world in Hardmode.

The spawn condition for the Operator is to beat EoW/BoC.

The Architect will come if you have at least 3 NPC.

The Musician will come if you defeat Skeletron.

Mod has support for Thorium, Calamity, Mod of Redemption, Census and imkSushi's mod.

Mod's Discord:


-Chinese Localization Fix by 虞悖.

-Russian localization fix.


-Updated for latest December 2024 tModloader build.

-Updated Russian localization, thanks to Alino4kaHvoshch and xenofite.

-Updated small icon, thanks to Alino4kaHvoshch.

-Added config option for disabling all new content from mod.

-Added Cactus to Architect's 2nd shop.

-Reworked some of the multiplayer config code.

-Changed conditions for some potions availability.

-Now mech bosses treasure bags are available after beating respective boss, not only after all 3 being defeated.

-Removed obsolete code for Census mod.

-Some prices rebalancing (mostly Architect), thanks to .Nihilus.

-Fixed Battle, Vanilla Tank and Modded Tank combinations recipes.


-Added Brazilian Portuguese by BrenoS93.

-Added back imkSushi's potions support (base summoning, angler amnesia, meteorite and resurrection).

-Increased Moon Lord Bag price to 9 platinum and 50 gold by default.

-Fishing potions are now available by default.

-Temporarely fixed Luck potions money exploit by setting their default prices in shop.

Calamity changes:

-Depth materials (lumenyl and depth cells) to be available after beating Leviathan.

-Living Shards are now available after beating Plantera.

-Blood Orbs are now available for after beating Skeletron.

-Lowered prices for Yharon, EXO mechs and Supreme Calamitas treasure bags.


-Wood is now sold in filler shop of Architect, added Bamboo and Ash Wood.

-Changed selling conditions for Life Crystals and Life Fruits,

-Fixed Calamity mod interaction with combinations defense bonuses.

-Updated chinese localization by mochen5530

-Resprites for Bewitching, Blurring, Ninja, Perfect Discord, Summoner and Fishing combinations by GoldYosh


-Summoner, Universal combinations and Ultima Cake now contains War Table buff for sentries count (non-cumulative).

-Calamity combination is now available at the start of hardmode.

-Heart and Star statues are now available in Jeweler's arena shop at the start of hardmode.

-World Warpers no longer have buggy interaction with pylons.

-World Warper code optimization.


-Added War Table to Jeweler's arena shop. Available after beating T1 of Old One's Army.

-Added resprites for Horrying Skull, Dopamine, Beach, Temple, Jungle, Dungeon Teleporter, Greater Dangersense, Sunshine, Titan Skin, Invincibility, Traps, Underworld Teleporter, Fortitude and Excavation potions by GoldYosh and thyreo.

-Spooky Wood/light sources are now available in Architect's shops only after beating Pumpking.

-With Calamity mod, combinations with Ironskin potion now giving bonus defense according to progression.

-Fixed an issue with overusing buff potions from piggy bank using Alchemist Charm t2+ upon reaching over 22 buffs.

-Fixed Fishing Combination recipe.

-Fixed Spirit Combination being sold.


-Added more Thorium, Mod of Redemption support to shops (thanks to Rockman Zeta).

-Added support for Shards of Atheria mod in code, currently commented due to incompatibility.

-Added Excavation potion. Gives better mining capabilities.

Drops from Undead Miners, can be crafted, available in Brewer's 2nd shop after beating EoC/BoC.

-Completed Musician's shops. Supports Calamity and Thorium mods.

-Now Greater Dangersense potion ignores Moon Lord's projectiles.

Still could be wise not to use it against bosses with clearly visible projectiles.

-Fixed a few typos related to selling Souls of Fright and Might, Modified World Warper, dupes of some treasure bags, other problems with shops.

-Fixed GlobalNPC code related to shops (discounts and price modifiers/config conditions should work correctly now).

-Fixed normal World Warper working from Void Bag.

-Fixed some weapons getting Legendary prefix when they shouldn't.

-Various code optimizations.

-Resprites for Jungle, Temple Teleporter potions, Discord potion, Nature Blessing, Calamity and Thorium combinations, Lifeform Analyzer locator (configurable).

Made by thyreo and GoldYosh.


-Ported to 1.4.4 tModLoader.

-Currently, supports Calamity mod.

-Added Biome Sight potion to Brewer's shop.

TODO: Implement proper Thorium and MoR support to all shops.


-Added config options for removing non-vanilla potions and items from mod (thanks to NoLongerLucky) (currently not working).

-Now Red's Potion can be bought from Alchemist if world seed is "for the worthy" and world state is hardmode.

-Readded World Warper/Modified World Warper. Available in Operator's shop upon entering hardmode/after beating Moon Lord.

-Readded Simulation Control Unit. Available in Operator's shop upon entering hardmode.

-Fixed Alchemist Charms not giving bonus duration to potions in piggy bank (thanks to benl9).


-Removed even more "removed" potions.

-Returned some more stuff from Thorium to shops.

-Fixed Thorium Combination breaking access to others.

-Fixed Thorium mod references from breaking some stuff.

-Now Life Crystals and Life Fruits can be bought from Jeweler while Skeletron/Golem is defeated (were available in MP only before).

-Moved Flask of Crumbling to Flasks shop.


-Fixed excessive damage reduction bonus of Battle Combination (thanks to Inactive).


-Added Mod of Redemption support (thanks to Rockman Zeta).

-Reimplemented Thorium mod support (thanks to b2mauler).

-Removed "removed" potions from Calamity Combination.

-Removed Boom Box as now Music Boxes can work even from vanity accessory slots.

-Removed additional tooltips on Treasure Bags as now they are properly named.

-Fixed some buffs and combinations which were not working (f.e. Lifeforce, modded crit bonuses, Ninja pot).


-Fixed flasks breaking piggy bank potions using if placed before buff potions.

-Fixed Explorer's combination recipe.

-Added Mod Configuration options for Silt, Slush and Desert Fossil blocks prices.


-Fixed an issue with Alchemist Charm of 2+ tier was not using potions from piggy bank

-Fixed shops having empty spaces if mod item doesn't exist

-Increased some of the shop prices for balance

-Added a new buff item, Ultima Cake. Can be bought from the Jeweler after entering hardmode in Arena Shop.

-Added Pocket Mirror to Tinkerer's 1st shop (available in hardmode).


-Add Deerclop's bag to Operator

-Reimplement Calamity for 1.4

-Adjust Calamity boss bag prices

-Added Diving Helmet to Tinkerer.

-Update recipe creation

Earlier changes can be found in mod's discord.

tModLoader said:
Developed By Gregg/VVV101, b2mauler, Rockman Zeta, somebody0214, RebooT, drh

'Ore Excavator (1.4.3/1.4.4 Veinminer)' mod card

Ore Excavator (1.4.3/1.4.4 Veinminer)

Welcome to Ore Excavator! - Last Updated August 14th, 2024

Found an issue? Join our Discord and help report it:

Ore Excavator has become the offical 1.4 port of VeinMiner, with VeinMiner being discontinued, and merged into Ore Excavator with permission.

Just like with Minecraft's Ore Excavation, Ore Excavator aims to improve, expand, and adapt with the future of the modding community for the ultimate quality of life experience. Ore Excavator allows you to effortlessly mine groups of ores, walls, and perform many other tile manipulation features effortlessly at once, with plenty more to come before 1.0!

Credit to NanobotZ for the base code and the original concept!

Chain-mine or swap adjacent tiles/walls from a single block

Chain-place platforms, ropes, tracks, planters, and more

Optional ore multiplier!

Configurable whitelist & blacklist with block picker controls in-game

Fully configurable client controls and keybindings

Fully configurable client settings to tailor to dynamic performance needs

Fully threaded support for older machines

Mod.Call API for modders

Autoswing compatible

Progression friendly

Excavations require mana option (for balanced play)

Powerful server management configurations

Full multiplayer support

Full modded compatibility support

I am actively developing and improving the mod as time goes on.

I will do my best to ensure that the mod stays for compatible and issue updates as needed, especially for multiplayer.

Due to the nature of the mod, bugs involving deleting massive amounts of blocks, walls, and similar issues are to be expected.

Please report any issues -no matter how small- to me on the tModloader Discord (@CrazyContraption), or our Discord server!


It helps us deduce how common the issue is, and to better gather data on who, and how it happens.

We're also open to suggestions and feedback!

Q:"Why doesn't the mod work?"

A:Common issues include: Not having the mod enabled (enable it); Not having an excavation keybind set (set it in your controls); having a corrupt version of the mod (redownload it). Also try resetting both config files back to default.

Q:"How do I use the mod?"

A:By default, holding tilde ( ` ) with any pick/hammer will excavate the corresponding elements they target. The key must be set in the controls first! Additional settings and keybinds are available in the mod's configurations, take a peek!

Q:"Is this VeinMiner for 1.4?"

A:Technically, yes it is! I have been given permission and the original source code to adapt and expand the mod for Terraria 1.4.

Q:"Why is the name different?"

A:The original author and I have agreed that 1.3 Terraria and earlier will be known for VeinMiner, and Ore Excavator will earn its name in 1.4, building off of the existing community and support.

Q:"Is this mod open source?"

A:At this time, due to the mix of licensed code and the daily reworks, we've decided to keep the mod and its content private. However, in the future we plan to open source it once we feel the mod is complete, and we want the community to take over keeping it alive!

Q:"What's happening to VeinMiner?"

A:Nothing! 1.3 VeinMiner will remain as it always was, and we're simply upgrading it, and renaming it for 1.4 Terraria. The old name is still reserved however - so no funny ideas!

Q:"Does this work in multiplayer?"

A:Yes! Yes! Yes! This is a huge priority for us, and we plan on implementing a full permissions system and expanding on the original multiplayer complexity of VeinMiner.

Q:"Does this work with modded content?"

A:Yes! But also no... we don't know. Every mod is different and unique, however most modded tiles, tools, and walls should work seamlessly without issue! Please let us know if you encounter any major issues, and we'll be sure to add some failsafes to include them forcefully!

Q:"Do you have an API?"

A:Yes! as of v0.8.0, we have an API your mods can access when loaded together. Visit our Discord for more information.

Fixing duplication exploits

Fixing server desync issues

Highlight Blocks/Walls That Will be Excavated Before Excavation

Secret content addition??? ;)

Excavation Restricted to New Modifiers Toggle (for balanced play)



+ Added a French Translation for the mod. A mega thank-you to Dulceeyt on Discord, as well as @Hazooloo for their feedback.


~ More minor fixes as better functionalities are implemented into tML

+ Improved compatibility with some existing mods. If the mod didn't work before, try it again now!

+ Added a Russian Translation for the mod. Huge thanks to @defoxza on Discord, as well as @berurinn and @spoonkuh for their feedback and efforts.


~ Fixed an issue with modded ores not being mineable.

+ Updated to 1.4.4 compatibility.


~ Fixed some more 1.4.4+ issues.

+ Updated for increased compatibility of new tML versions.

+ Added better host detection for server config updating.

+ Added a submitted version of (Simplified) Chinese from a @mochen5530 on Discord. Thanks!

+ Fixed some underlying duplication exploits.

- Removed some redundant code, and moved it to reflections of existing tML or vanilla versions for maintainability.


~ Fixed a few outlying 1.4.3 issues, and we're working on more as reports of 1.4.4 issues roll in.

+ Updated to 1.4.4 compatibility.


~ Refactored some core code to no longer trip on crashes from other mods. Mods will now correctly be faulted for crashes they cause. Not OE!

See all changelogs here:

Found an issue? Join our Discord and help report it:

@xphrogx said:"x is the best keybind 💀"

Looking for something simpler but equally powerful?

Aitherix said: (BAM) is a simple, lightweight veinminer alternative.

Created by , they take a more straightforward approach for those looking for something easier to grasp and less... feature overloaded.
tModLoader said:

Developed By CrazyContraption

'Subworld Library' mod card

Subworld Library

An API for modders to easily add dimensions (referred to as subworlds) to their mods, making all the necessary code injections, handling Multiplayer and managing every subworld.

Report issues on the forum page or GitHub:


Subworld Library does a LOT of code injection, as Terraria was not made with subworlds in mind.

Subworlds are highly customisable; from how big or small they are, to what ModSystems can update inside of them and even how they are lit.

Subworld Library removes Space, both Oceans and the Underworld from subworlds, allowing them to be extremely small without issues.

Loading a subworld is straightforward. Loading screens can be as simple as text on a plain background, or something complex, like an item selection menu.

Subworlds save to a directory named after the main world. A subworld and/or changes to players inside it can be temporary. Deleting a world deletes all of its subworlds as well.

Subworld Library works in Multiplayer with little to no extra work required from modders. A "subserver" is opened for every subworld being occupied.

tModLoader said:
Developed By John Snail

'Fargo's Mutant Mod' mod card

Fargo's Mutant Mod

A Quality of Life mod that makes various adjustments and additions across the game to provide information and convenience.

Adds the Mutant town NPC, who sells boss summons of nearly every mod, along several others.

Other features include:

-Infinite ammos, potions, etc at high enough stack

-Craftable instant builds for common world infrastructure like skybridges, obsidian underworld bridges, hellevators

-Powerful explosives for clearing out large parts of the world

-Spawn rate increase/decrease items

-Helpful extra tooltips, showing things such as which items are sold by which NPCs

-Several configs for shaping the game and mod to your wishes

And much more!

Fargo Discord:

Fargo Wiki:

NEW UPDATE - v3.3.5

Reworked boss Swarms into Energized bosses; now summons one super-powered boss instead of a swarm of lesser bosses

Added Multiplayer spectate feature

Added Dirt Instabridge

Added new config that lets Modded item inventory effects work from Piggy Bank or Safe

Added Deviantt dialogue for new environmental effects

Mutant doesn't spawn from Trojan Squirrel

Mutant, Abom, Deviantt, Lumberjack now get increased health in Hardmode

Abominationn now has a shimmer sprite

Instabridge: Right Click clears area without placing bridge

Instalake: Fixed showing wrong visual when held, now spawns on mouse

Bottled Honey no longer grants infinite Honey buff at 30, but Omnistation now provides Honey buff as aura effect

Boom Shurikens:

-Doubled cost in Demolitionist shop

-Doubled cost of recipe

-Boom Shurikens can hurt you now

-Improved multiplayer performance

Added Souls Mod attack speed stat to Stat Sheet

Fixed Stat Sheet UI focusing in search bar when right clicking anywhere while it's open

World Token is now craftable with 5 Iron/Lead Bars

Fixed Destroyer summon not resetting night

Increased Big Suck Potion money value

Many summons now always work as if it was night on Remix worlds

Reduced Super Dummy health

Removed Dungeon Guardian from Ancient Seal

Moved Wires painting to Mutant Mod from Souls Mod

Energizers have 10x the value

Ruler no longer falsely has piggy bank effect tooltip

Bewitching Table only grants buff when nearby post-Skeletron

Important structures now save per-world across sessions

Added Census compatibility

Added "AddCaughtNPC" ModCall

Resprited and renamed Jelly Crystal to Royal Slime Crown

Resprited and renamed Mutant Voodoo Doll into Mutant Plushie

Resprited and renamed Truffly Worm into Concentrated Truffle Worm Oil

Resprited and renamed Overloadfish into Can of Truffle Worms

Renamed Dragon's Egg to Old Dragon Egg

Resprited Sibling Pylon, fixed right click (opening map) not working correctly

tModLoader said:
Developed By Fargowilta, Terry N. Muse and Javyz