Internal name
Creativetools (ID: 2563001341)
Last updated
Creation date
NotLe0n (76561198278789341)
Creative Tools
With Creative tools you can toggle different events and game states with a single click of a button, move NPC's and Items with your mouse, display lots of Information on the screen and much more!
This mod is open source on my GitHub. If you have a GitHub account, please give it a star!
If you have any questions, issues or bugs contact me on my discord server
Special Thanks
Thanks to Pyroknight for drawing the sprites.
Thanks to direwolf420, darthmorf and jopojelly for some UIElements.
Event Toggle
- Bloodmoon
- Frostmoon
- Pumpkinmoon
- Solar eclipse
- Halloween
- Christmas
- Party
- Slime Rain
- Lantern Night
- Meteor Shower
Invasion Toggle
- Pirate invasion
- Goblin Army
- Martian Madness
- Frost Legion
Hardmore Toggle
Toggles Hardmode (does not generate ores)
Game mode Toggle
You can toggle the World game mode (Classic, Expert, Master, Journey),
and the player game mode (Classic, Mediumcore, Hardcore, Journey)
Weather Control
Control what time it is and change the moon phase
Creative Fly (no clip)
Toggle to Fly in the air or through blocks! Control with WASD, SHIFT to go faster and CTRL to go slower
Magic Cursor
Move NPCs and Items with your mouse.
hold middle click and drag to move them (only works for one npc of a type)
TP tool
Teleport to any coordinate or loaded NPC. (WARNING: Teleporting outside the map may crash the game!)
Game Info
Information you can display on the screen:
- Mouse position relative to the World
- Mouse position relative to the screen
- Mouse and Mouse border Color
- Player name, whoAmI id, position, velocity, ect
- NPC position, velocity, name, type, aiStyle
- Item position, name, type, Distance to Mouse
- Projectile position, velocity, name, type
- Screen position, Screen Zoom
- Time, Global time, Rain Timer
- Hitboxes
Assembly Viewer
You can search through Terraria's classes and namespaces, look at how methods work, invoke methods, and inspect and change static fields.
Play Sound
Play any sound or Music and find their ID
Modify held Item/Player
Change some properties of your held Item or your player
Changes are not saved
DownedBoss Toggle
Toggle what bosses you have killed already.
Example: You can only enter the dungeon when skeleton has been defeated. Instead of having to fight him you can just tick NPC.downedBoss3.
Summon Meteor
You can summon a Meteor.
(only 1 meteor can exist in a world. If you want two, destroy the first one)
Clear Inventory
Clear inventory or delete non-favorited items! (inventory-, ammo- and money slots).
Kill Player
Kills your player (does not work in multiplayer if you have god mode enabled)
Time Control
Use Hotkeys to Freeze, slow down or frame step the game.
Latest Changes
v5.1 - 1.4.4 update
+ updated to 1.4.4
v5.0 - Multiplayer Update
+ made many tools multiplayer compatible
Note: Assembly Viewer and Modify Item is not compatible
- removed Custom Item/NPC, because they were causing issues
+ added Deerclops to Downed Boss Toggle
+ fixed Modify Player UI
+ fixed Game Mode Toggle's player difficulty text
+ added workshop description and icon
+ fixed mod for new Update
+ fixed Play Music.
* Only thing that still doesn't work should be "Change Texture" in Custom NPC/Item
+ fixed Assembly Viewer
+ upgraded to dotnet 6
+ fixed bug where you can still hit the button while in a chest or talking to a npc
+ You can now change the player size again (Now I only need to fix "Play Music" and "Change Texture")
+ You can now change the menu button offset in the mod config
v4.4.3 & ..4 - Fixes
+ Fixed Typo
+ Fixed Open File Dialog
+ Fixed copy code button
+ maybe fixed time control crashing multiplayer?
v4.4.2 - Time Control
+ Added Time Control
+ Code cleanup
v4.4.1 - Decompiler
+ Changed AssemblyViewer Font
+ You can now view c# code (the game might lag for huge methods)
v4.4 - AssemblyViewer
+ Added AssemblyViewer
+ Fixed DownedBossToggle's UI
v4.3 - added 1.4 features
+ Added Lantern night event
+ Added Star shower event
+ Added Kill player
+ Added Luck stat in Modify Player
v4.2 - bug fix
+ fixed bug where the Menu Button would overlap with the first chest slot when in journey mode
v4.0 & v4.1 - Ported to 1.4
+ Added TP tool
+ Changed UI
+ Added game mode slider
tModLoader said:Developed By NotLe0n